Joint Research Colloquium between JASU and EUV

Joint Research Colloquium between JASU and EUV
 May 29, 2021  504

on May 7th 2021 there was an online presentation of a joint research project about multilingualism in Central Asia: Kyrgyzstan. Europa University Viadrina and Jalal-Abad State University n/aB.Osmonov are partner University from 2019. Last year there were guest lectures from the professor, and two-way active lectures are planning in the coming months. Last week on research colloquium, it was very interesting and active.

EDGAR BAUMGÄRTNER: Welcoming the guests

 GULNURA MATKALYKOVA (Jalal-Abad State University): Use of language in the plurilingualSociety of Kyrgyzstan using the example of the Fergana Valley (introduction to the research project)

DIANA RAIMBEKOVA (Jalal-Abad State University): Lexical peculiarities using the example ofNames for household items (BA project)

AIZADA ZHUMASHEVA (Jalal-Abad State University): Lexical peculiarities in the context of cultureand tradition (BA project)

  • Joint Research Colloquium between JASU and EUV
  • Joint Research Colloquium between JASU and EUV